Course Outline

Introduction to the PMP-Prep course

  • PMP 2022/2023 exam
  • PMP Exam Content Outline (ECO)
  • Goals, scope and formula of the training

Key PE concepts

  • The project and its ecosystem
  • Principles of PE according to PMBOK Guide 7th Edition
  • Governance structure
  • structure)
  • Project Life Cycle (LC)
  • Design Approaches

Team, stakeholders, project organization

  • Teambuilding
  • Define rules of team conduct
  • Analyzing the objectives and conditions of the project
  • Leading a team – PM's leadership
  • Engaging the team and knowing the motivation of the members
  • team
  • Empowerment of team members and stakeholders
  • Developing the competences of team members i
  • stakeholders
  • Engaging and supporting virtual teams
  • Building understanding of the design

Project stakeholders

  • Working and collaborating with stakeholders
  • Stakeholder empowerment
  • Stakeholder mentoring

Initiating and planning a project

  • Determining the right project approach and project management practices
  • Analysis and determination of the value and benefits provided by the project
  • Scope planning and management
  • Schedule planning and management
  • Planning and managing your budget and resources
  • Product quality planning and management
  • Communication planning
  • Order planning and management
  • Risk management planning
  • Determining the approach to changes and the project metrics to be used
  • Integration of project planning activities
  • Planning and managing project and project phase closures

Project implementation and monitoring

  • Project implementation to deliver business value
  • Risk Management
  • Communication management
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Production of project products
  • Monitoring your project using different types of metrics
  • Project change management
  • Project issue management
  • Providing knowledge transfer to/from the project
  • Manage the closing of the project phase and the entire project

The team and stakeholders during the project


  • Leading the team during implementation
  • Supporting the effective functioning of the team
  • Identification and removal of obstacles and blockages
  • Conflict management
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Cooperation with stakeholders in progress
  • Mentoring important stakeholders
  • The use of emotional intelligence in increasing the effectiveness of team work

Business aspects of the project


  • Project Compliance Management
  • Evaluating and delivering value and benefits
  • Evaluating and addressing internal and external changes to the business environment
  • Supporting organizational change
  • Continuous improvement - application of the continuous improvement process

How to pass the exam?


  • Ways to prepare for the PMP exam®
  • Useful Resources
  • Exam process
  • Exam Tips
  • Sample questions (during training)
  • Test Exam


There are no prerequisites for participation in the training. To be admitted by PMI to the PMP® exam it is necessary to have a minimum of 36 months, documentable management experience projects and 35 hours of management training projects ..

 35 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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